Real Dog Stories Continued: Presenting the Snow Goose!

By | December 12, 2015

Finally we get the chance to introduce the snow oriented vehicle mentioned in our last post!  This has been nearly three years in development thru various stages, with a great deal of field testing.  It is also now Patent Pending.

The Snow Goose has realized my dream of a scooter like experience on snow and ice.  It is actually easier to push or “pedal” the Snow Goose than the scooter because your feet are essentially at ground (snow) level.  This eliminates having to bend your leg to reach the ground when on the scooter due to the ground clearance  required.

It is a double track device riding on two skis while most scooters have a single track with the two wheels in line.

My Pack of Dogs! readers already know that Kuma and Balto are the power source for the Snow Goose, pulling with their usual expertise.  The rest of the following description will not mention dog pulling specifically as it was also written to include folks who could use the Snow Goose with out dogs.

The Snow Goose

The Snow Goose

Imagine yourself gliding over the snow…. Perhaps not going very fast, but gliding nevertheless. In fact your speed allows you to take in many of the details of the beautiful snow covered surroundings. How are you moving? Any of several ways. You may be going downhill, so at that moment you’re gravity powered. But that’s not your only option. You might be getting towed by someone or something. Or you might even be pushing, but it’s some of the easier pushing you could imagine.

Then, you notice you’re getting a bit tired. In fact, the brisk air has made you thirsty and a bit hungry. If you could, you’d stop and take a refreshing break so you could last longer and keep enjoying this wonderful day. And even though you’re in a forest or out in the field, you do stop, sit down off the snow and have a snack with a drink. How is this possible? Welcome to the Snow Goose.

What’s the Snow Goose? Besides the northern bird, it’s serious fun and a serious mobility option for snow and ice.

I designed it so I could get back on the snow after extensive surgical damage left me mobility challenged.

It needed to be portable and easy to set up, so the frame fits in most vehicles. It snaps into the bindings on your skis which you brought with you or rented.

You stand on the rear of the skis when gliding, or push like a scooter when needed.

Going too fast? Use the built in brakes to slow down.

I love gliding down a trail on the Snow Goose but can get very tired and need a good way to rest. I’ve included a drop down seat so that I can take a break OFF the snow and stay as warm and dry as possible.

I can carry supplies on the frame without weighing me down, so I’ll often have a drink and snack while resting.

Passing skier kindly showing resting seat.

Passing skier kindly showing resting seat.

It’s easy to push the Snow Goose. Leaning on the handlebar while gliding or pushing can be a good position for your back and has strengthened mine.

I hope I don’t run into any trees or bushes, but if I do the frame is designed for maximum protection.

It’s difficult to tip over and the handlebars are there to hold on to and support your weight.

The Snow Goose is the happy result of much thought, research and testing.

I’d like anyone who could benefit, whether on a mountain trail, local park, or snow packed sidewalk to just have fun!

To keep up with the Snow Goose and for notification of future availability, just send your first name and email address to: (Sorry, no website yet at this date. 12-9-15)

Riding position, nephew kindly demonstrating.

Riding position, nephew kindly demonstrating.

Snow Goose with cargo/rest seat down for show.

Snow Goose with cargo/rest seat down for show.

4 thoughts on “Real Dog Stories Continued: Presenting the Snow Goose!

    1. Ken Post author

      Hey Linda, thanks for looking! Good idea about the video, I’ll have to figure out how to do that! Have started so I need to figure it out for that site too!.


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