Real Dog Stories Continued: Kuma Starts to Show His Stuff

By | August 21, 2015

Another season went by and I was walking a bit more with extensive use of a large hiking staff.

Some mountain friends invited me on a walk for the next day.

Kuma: What's next?

Kuma: What’s next?

They wanted me to see a trail they thought was cool.

I accepted with some question in my mind about how I could handle the walk. I wanted to see the trail and I didn’t get invited many places.

An idea came to me that evening.  Maybe Kuma could help me like he did with the firewood!

He hadn’t pulled firewood for some time, so I got out his harness and the toboggan and we practiced for a while by pulling the empty toboggan. The practice session went well and I was pleased that Kuma remembered his skills.

The next day Kuma and I drove to the meeting spot for the walk with friends. I had Kuma’s leash hung diagonally across one shoulder and my staff. Kuma had on his harness. I don’t remember if anyone noticed any of this.

The first part of our walk was mainly downhill, That made it pretty doable for me.

When it was time to return, there were a few joking comments. ” How are you going to do on the way back?” “Do we need to wait for you?”

In reply I called Kuma to me.   I took his leash off my shoulder, hooked it to the back of his harness and said “git up”.

Kuma and I were headed back at the same speed as the other follks. Or perhaps I should say that Kuma was pulling both of us back at the same speed as the other folks.

Now people started to notice. “Wow that’s cool, wish I had help like that!”   “Look at that!” “Did you plan that?…”

Kuma was a star that day!

2 thoughts on “Real Dog Stories Continued: Kuma Starts to Show His Stuff

  1. Abigaila

    This is such an inspiring post!

    I remember when I was in junior high, there was this arts competition amongst the students and one girl submitted an entry about a film where the dog comes to the rescue! This blog post reminded me of that…

    Anyway, aren’t animals wonderful?

    1. admin

      Hi Abigail,
      It’s great to hear from you! I am honored by your comment. I have chosen to pass on these “Real Dog Stories” because they are my actual experience, and because I think there is additional meaning besides the related details. I have planned mid week installments and hope the story is not developing too slowly! I assure you that “the plot will thicken” and hope my gentle readers can enjoy and benefit as a larger scene appears.


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